Sunday, March 18, 2012

Speech Buddies 9/13

The speech buddy videos were very helpful in seeing not only the importance of a good introduction and conclusion, but also creative ways of opening a speech. Some of the techniques used for introducing a speech, such as a story, was a good way to draw the audience in and provoke thought. For my speech, I think I might incorporate statistics into the opening statement of my introduction.I am hoping the statistics will be shocking enough to be an attention getter and grab the audiences attention. I think if people are interested in what is being spoken about, the will be more attentive to the speaker. The challenge for me will be to inform the audience without trying to persuade them. I think the speech buddies help make the information in the text book come alive so to speak. The videos reinforce the importance of having all the components of an introduction and conclusion along with a structured mid section filled with clear main points.

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