Friday, March 16, 2012

Concept of Organizational Patterns for Informative Speeches

Different organizational patterns can be used when putting together your informative speech to ensure successful delivery. If you are speaking about a topic that has developed over a period of time or has stages, then you may want to consider using the chronological pattern. With this type of pattern you would usually want to start at the earliest time or stage and work your way current. According to the book, you should be sure to "highlight the importance of each step" in the time line or stages you are discussing. The spacial pattern can be useful if you are discussing a topic that requires you to describe a specific relationship between places or objects. This pattern might work if you are speaking about locations or spaces. Another useful pattern of organization is the Topical pattern. In this method you can divide your topic up into smaller sub-topics to make the subject easier to discuss. This particular pattern can work well for almost any informational speech. The narrative pattern is a more relaxed approach in my opinion. It allows you to discuss a topic by telling a series of short stories. Lastly, the cause and effect pattern might be right for you if you speaking about how an outcome is produced by a specific action. I will likely be using this type of pattern for my informational speech regarding the extinction of coral reefs.

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