Friday, March 23, 2012

Recent Speech

Recently I attended a speech on power theft given by representatives of a local utility company. The speaker used presentation media in the form of power point. The speaker's use of the presentation media was well done in my opinion. He used the slides to transition between main points. He also used photos to illustrate technical examples for things that the common person may not know. The media added to the presentation by giving great visuals for events that occurred. Parts of the presentation media detracted from the speech by having old photos that were out dated, such as old style meters that are no longer used. It would be more effective to have changed out those slides with updated photos and examples. Although the speech went smoothly, the speaker might have improved his use of presentation media by not only updating the photos, but also organizing the slides in the appropriate order for better flow. There was one small part of the speech where he was talking about a particular panel and had to forward through a couple of slides, then had to back track. It wasn't a big deal, but it detracts from the organization of the speech and might make a less experienced speaker loose his/her train of thought.

1 comment:

  1. The speech you attended sounds like it would be a great reference for our upcoming informative presentation. You now have a good idea of how a power point slide presentation should be presented. If properly used, media can be super helpful and productive in reaching and informing an audience. Organization is also very important when using any kind of presentation media to inform an audience. Lack of organization can majorly distract the audience from the main point of the speech. You also made a good point that it can distract the speaker as well as the audience. I thought you had a very well written post. Good job.
