Sunday, March 25, 2012


One thing that stood out to me in this weeks reading was about when using presentation media to keep it simple. The goal of presentation media is to enhance your speech, not the other way around. If your powerpoint or other material you are using is to involved or cluttered you could potentially loose or confuse your audience. I have been an audience member at speeches where the media was either jumbled or full of words, to the point wher I was trying to read everything and found myself tuning out the speaker. I think bullet points can sometimes be useful to help a speaker stay on topic or identify something on the slide for the audience. When you put full sentences or paragraphs in your slideshow, the audience cannot fully concentrate on both the speaker and reading at the same time. Additionally many of the presentations I have seen like this, the speaker ends up just reading the slides. The speeches usually either end up confusing or boring.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean! I have had several instructor stress the importance of keeping powerpoint presentations simple, especially since it is only there to enhance, and not replace, what the speaker is saying. In another class that I was in where we needed to use a powerpoint presentation, there were several students that had overdone slides that only lost the attention of the audience because the slides were getting all of the attention. When there is too much going on in a powerpoint usually the audience is spending all of their time trying to understand what the powerpoint is trying to say that they don't even pay attention to what the speaker is saying, which is more important.
