Friday, May 11, 2012

My favorite speech

My favorite speech would probably be the demo speech. Although the informational and persuasive speeches were topics I was more passionate about, I had fun with the demo speech. I like teaching people how to do things, so this was right up my alley. Additionally I have an extensive amount of personal experience with the topic I chose for the demo so I was very comfortable. I think when you really feel like the expert on the topic the comfort level increases greatly. For me, I know that I have so much knowledge and experience on my topic that it was easier to speak comfortable and fluidly. I fully researched my other topics as well but the topics were a little more on the serious side. I actually enjoyed all of the speeches once they were over. I liked researching the topics and putting together the presentations. The worst part was the anxiety at the beginning of the speeches and the pressure to stay on time with such a short time limit.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with my favorite speech being the demonstration speech as well. I definitely agree that there was more passion involved for everybody with the demonstration speech. It seemed like the majority of the class had fun with this speech. I know I did. I also agree with you when you said the experience with the topic gives more confidence. I was more relaxed when I was presenting this speech, because I knew more thoroughly about my topic from experience, not just research. I don’t feel we had enough time to experience all of our topics as well as the demonstration speech. Good post.
