Saturday, May 12, 2012

Concepts for preparing my speeches

The concepts I  found to be most helpful in preparing my speeches were getting to know your audience, finding a common ground, and the importance of thorough research. Knowing your audience was particularly helpful because it really makes you think about who your speaking to. By doing this I can customize my speech and the wording I use to have a more successful speech. Not everyone receives information the same so this concept was very helpful to me. Finding common ground was a very helpful concept for me that works with all types of speeches, not just persuasive. With my informative speech I also needed to establish common ground for the people who might not believe in global warming or climate change. If common ground is established then my audience might be more open to listen to the information I am speaking about. The importance of being thorough in my research, especially making sure I have the most up to date statistics, was very helpful. This is particularly true for my persuasive speech because it involved laws that change and vary from state to state, as well as numbers.

1 comment:

  1. You bring up a great point about common ground being established. Even if you are presenting on something you know isn't super popular you can defiantly try to reach out and relate to the audience. This will get people at least listening to you instead of immediately tuning you out just because of your topic. I don't listen to my own advice and will attempt to agitate my audience, this of course will get their attention, but it usually does more harm then good. The research is probably the most important part of the speech at least in my opinion. I think agree as well if you have all the current info and all the right numbers it really helps persuade people in your favor. Where as quoting figures from the 1990s might make you lose credibility.
