Friday, April 20, 2012

Sea of Persuasion

I would have to say that I am immersed pretty deep in a sea of persuasion. From the moment I wake up my children are trying to persuade me about what they can wear to school, eat for breakfast, etc. When I start driving I see billboards along the road telling me I need something or to vote for someone. I turn on the radio to hear advertisements or talk radio trying to persuade me to see their view point on a subject. When I get to work I open my email and am swarmed with news emails, which are usually bias in some way. In my personal email I am constantly receiving emails with special savings today only! My customers are usually trying to persuade me to make arrangements on their account in some way. When I go home to relax, you guessed it tv commercials and bias news programs. It is hard to resist all persuasion that comes from people and media. To be a more critical consumer I weigh my options before making purchases. I make sure I am informed and not buying on impulse.

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of scary when you look at things in this perspective isn't it. Maybe that's why some days we would rather just go back to bed!! I agree it's best not to buy on impulse. I always try to go home and wait (major purchases) and think "Do I really need this?", most of the time I don't. Even small stuff sometimes I may think to myself "What will I really do with that?" This has been something I would love for my kids to understand.
