Sunday, February 19, 2012

Speech Buddy: Drinking and Light Pollution

In the Speech Buddy "Drinking" video, the speaker did well in the area of research. He seemed to have a lot of knowledge on the subject even though he didn't exude confidence in his delivery. I think if he were to ditch the note cards and perhaps practice his delivery more, he would have a more engaging overall speech. Another technique that might help him with his delivery of the information is to use bullet points instead of sentences so he has to speak more freely on the subject instead of reading or trying to decipher through a bunch of notes. In the Speech Buddy  "Light Pollution" video, the speaker did well in the area of confident delivery. I felt like she knew her topic well and didn't have much difficulty speaking about the topic. She appeared to be much more comfortable speaking than the speaker in the "Drinking" video. The difference in delivery could possibly be related to practice, or note organization, or both. From these videos I can learn the importance of being well prepared in all aspects of the speech before delivering the speech. I can take away valuable lessons from watching both. I will try to be organized in my thoughts and delivery, and not rely so much on notes.

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